The Ecosystem Guide

Welcome to "The Ecosystem Guide" by TunisianStartups,  the podcast that dives deep into the fascinating world of startups in Tunisia, designed to offer full support to aspiring innovators, startup founders, and ambitious entrepreneurs throughout their entrepreneurial journey.

This activity is supported by the Special initiative “Decent Work for a Just Transition” - Invest for Jobs of the German federal ministry for Economic cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Digital Transformation Program of the GIZ Tunisie in partnership with TunisianStartups.

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The Ecosystem Guide

Everything your need to know about Startups in Tunisia.

Ep1 - startup شنوا معناها

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Oussama Messaoud defines the characteristics of a startup.

Ep2 - Startup Act شنوا

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Ghalia Bouarada goes in depth about the legal framework of startups in Tunisia.

Ep3 - Very early stage..البدايات

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Nasreddine Riahi explains everything there is to know about the very early stage startups.

Ep4 - Market validation..كيفاش تصير

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Safwen Bouali describes the contribution of market validation in a startup’s success.

Ep5 - Growth stage..كيفاش تكبر

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Bechir Afifi takes us through the growth stage journey of a startup.

Ep6 - Legal entity creation..الباتيندة

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Brahim Turki decodes the legal foundations of creating a startup.

Ep7 - Investment readiness..شنوا تحضّر

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Sarra Ben Younes shares all there is to know about investment readiness.

Ep8 - Fundraising (startup POV)..الفلوس منين

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Lamia Chouk provides a comprehensive insight into the intricacies of fundraising.

Ep9 - Incubator شنوا معناها

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Mayssa Mrabet highlights the role of incubators in helping startups.

Ep10 - Accelerator شنوا معناها

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Faten Aissi spotlights the vital contribution of Accelerators in nurturing and mentoring startups.

Ep11 - Regional Startup Support Organisations (SSOs) Part 1..شفمّا في الجهات

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Yosr Fouzai explores the rich map of SSOs in Tunisia.

Ep11 - Regional SSOs Part 2..شفمّا في الجهات

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Hassen Manai explores the rich map of SSOs in Tunisia.

Ep12 - SSOs per sector..الاختصاصات

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Ghazi Saddem details the importance of specialized SSOs for every sector.

Ep13 - Impact dedicated SSOs..التنمية المستدامة

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Khaled Mezghani focuses on SSOs who are committed to creating an impact in the ecosystem.

Ep14 - Honor loan شنوا

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Emel Tounsi unveils the significance of 'Prêt d’honneur' as a catalyst for fostering entrepreneurship, supporting dreams, and fueling innovation.

Ep15 - Business angels..شكونهم

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Samar Louati clarifies the role of business angels in providing both financial support and guidance to startups.

Ep16 - Venture Capital (VC)..التمويل

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Hassen Afraoui uncovers the ability of venture capitals to embolden innovative visionaries.

Ep17 - Startup studio شمعنها

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Mahmoud Hattab gives an exclusive look into the innovative ecosystem of Startup Studios and how they catalyze the birth of new ventures.

Ep18 - Decoding investment..jargon إفهم

In this episode of “The Ecosystem Guide'', Mohamed Salah Frad unravels the intricate language of startup financing, making it accessible and understandable for all.

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